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A Graduate's Success Story

One of Transformations Institute’s graduates, Claire Peirson, is an expat living in Dubai. One weekend she was browsing through a website whilst waiting for her daughter to finish her singing lesson. An ordinary activity on an ordinary day. Little did Claire know that that would be a pivotal moment in her life.

She noticed an ad for an “Introduction to Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Counselling”. Working as a Primary School teacher, Claire had always been interested in positive psychology and it caught her interest.

Claire booked her place on the course on the spot. She was working part-time and it had been a while since she’d participated in any continuing professional development so she was ready to “sink her teeth into something new, exciting and outside my usual remit”.

Claire recalls: “As soon as I attended the course I loved it: Dr Leila has a myriad of skills, qualifications and experience as a therapist and educator; my fellow students came from varied backgrounds and my interest was captured immediately.”

Claire decided to register for the 1-Year UK-Accredited International Diploma in Hypnotherapy with Psychotherapy and Counselling Skills.  She dedicated set times to attend live classes, see practice clients, and conduct further independent study to complete reading and written assignments.

Training to be a therapist means wanting to help others and this line of work attracts those with an interest in other people’s feelings and well-being, the willingness to listen without judgement, being positive and having a sense of humour!

During that year, Claire enjoyed being a learner again so much that she decided to take the NLP Licensed Coach course and her Active HypnoBirthing and Advanced Pain Management qualification. She progressed to the Advanced Diploma course in order to become a fully-fledged UK-accredited Psychotherapist and Counsellor.

 Claire says that she uses the skills she learned on a daily basis: “… during my teaching; the way I speak to my children; the way I relate to my husband and friends and, of course, in my new career”.

Claire went on to set up her own Hypnotherapy and Coaching business called “Pivotal Mind”, initially working with professional athletes to prepare them for International tournaments. Her hours are flexible to fit in with her family responsibilities and she says, “I absolutely love my new job”.

The icing on Claire’s cake is that with Dr Leila’s encouragement, she applied for the online Masters degree at Bucks New University in the UK, which she successfully completed by blended learning and is now the proud possessor of an MSc in Positive Psychology! The research she conducted during her Masters’ led her to specialise in psychotherapy and coaching for children and parents.

“To say that training with Transformations Institute has changed my life is an understatement. My pivotal moment of change was making that first jump into the unknown. I’m so glad I did and I encourage anyone to do this who is ready to move forward to achieve your vision of success and fulfilment!”

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