I'm Already A Qualified Hypnotherapist - So Do You Provide Advanced Training?
The skills that graduates from our international Diploma Professional Practitioner course have are certainly enough to take them into successful practice but the advanced course enables qualified hypnotherapists to reach a higher level of achievement and successful completion enables graduates to legally term themselves as psychotherapists by UK standards.
The Advanced Diploma allows you to extend your skills and versatility. Completing this course means that you will have advanced skills in understanding and client-handling, along with the ability to work without formal hypnosis when necessary – essential when dealing with certain types of personality. You will also have a huge variety of therapeutic techniques to hand, ensuring that you always have the right ‘tool for the job’. You will truly be an expert with specialist knowledge, an eclectic ‘mind-body’ therapist trained in the practical applications of positive psychology.
The Advanced Diploma follows on from the Professional Practitioner International Diploma Course. Before commencing, it will be necessary to complete the first year course, and to join the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy (APHP) as a pre-approved Licentiate Member.
N.B. It is possible to attend the Advanced Diploma with us, even if you did not train with us, as long as you already have obtained a qualification (DHP, CHt. or similar) in hypnosis or hypnotherapy from a reputable accredited school via a classroom-based course that meets at least the minimum requirements of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC). The CNHC was established with support from the UK government to set and maintain the national occupational and training standards for the profession. Since 2011, any hypnotherapist who wants to be able to obtain a National Health Service (NHS) Provider number should be registered with the CNHC and most private healthcare insurance providers will only approve hypnotherapy treatment for the listed conditions on the policy if the therapist has an NHS Provider number and is CNHC registered.
The Course Leader will require evidence of your previous qualification, curriculum covered and hours of study completed, and information about your clinical practice/experience in order to assess your suitability.
The Advanced Diploma training comprises a series of modules, some of which may be open to other suitably qualified and/or experienced therapists, counsellors, mental health professionals or medical practitioners, to attend as CPD/CEU training events.
On completion you will receive your ‘Advanced International Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & Counselling and be able to immediately upgrade your APHP professional association membership to Full Member status (which normally takes at least two years).
There is no formal examination at the end of this course. Successful completion involves satisfactory attendance and participation in all required modules (if any are missed, you will be required to submit additional work on the missed material), and the submission of a Self-Assessment, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your personal and professional growth and learning throughout the course and provide an outline of your future plans for professional and career development.
The curriculum and attendance pattern of the Advanced course has a certain amount of flexibility and is revised each year to best meet the needs and interests of each particular intake. The curriculum over the past few years (2007 – 2014) has included the following subjects as Modules:
Ericksonian Therapy: conversational techniques, working without ‘formal hypnosis’
Advanced Hypnoanalysis: working with Archetypes and Sub-Personalities in Parts Therapy; introduction to Jungian Therapy & Transactional Analysis (double module)
Assertiveness and Communication Skills – developing your own and your client’s self- esteem, confidence and emotional intelligence; issues related to working at a distance: conducting therapy via e-mail, on-line and by phone
Advanced Breathing Therapy & Primal Trauma Release: integrative regression & emotional and energy release; an overview of breathing and primal therapies
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and ‘Hypno-CBT’
Eating Disorders & Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD): CBT and Hypnotherapy
The Psychology of Depression: Hypnotherapy & CBT as therapeutic modalities
Grieving and Bereavement, working with death, dying and loss
Working with Children, Young People, Parents & Families
Sex, Sexuality & Pyschosexual Difficulties
Active Hypnobirthing and Advanced Pain Management
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Practitioner and Master Practitioner levels)
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Meridian Therapies and Energy Healing
Satir Model Conjoint Systemic Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Family Counselling
Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility: forensic emotional awareness
This advanced training option will extend your skill level to the point where you can be confident of being able to provide effective clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and counselling interventions for many, even highly complex, situations and circumstances.
Please ask for the relevant Application Form to apply for a place on the International Advanced Diploma Course for 2015–2016, indicating where you are located and when you are available for a personal interview, either face-to-face or via Skype/phone.
Whilst we accept applications from qualified and experienced hypnotherapists, we consider each case on an individual basis in order to assess the applicant’s suitability for the course and whether their previous training meets the occupational standards criteria set by the Hypnotherapy Regulatory Forum and the requirements of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
"An exciting and immensely rewarding journey for me personally and professionally. It clarified everything I had already learned and further deepened my knowledge of the human psyche, emotional conflict and disorders and explored hypnotherapy and other therapeutic modalities providing us with a more comprehensive and identifiable set of tools in our therapy 'tool box' that are accessible and adequate for use in our sphere of practice. I am now more aware of each client's individuality and therefore therapy requirements."
Gladys Gillespie, Midwife, NLP Master & Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in Bahrain, USA, Zimbabwe & internationally.
"I would like to thank Dr Leila and Phil for all their hard work on our behalf. They are so much more than just tutors, working tirelessly to bring training of the highest standard to their students. They teach with passion and humour and really care about each and every student, helping and coaching wherever necessary. I have loved being part of it all for the past two years and look forward to continuing professional development, and continuing working with them."
Fiona Andrews, Mental Health Nurse, Teacher, Reiki & NLP Master, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate, Diploma in CBT and NLP Master Practitioner. Practising in Bahrain and now leads the Supervision Group started by Dr Leila Edwards.
"The subjects covered and the materials have been incredibly informative to me, the class atmosphere was amazing, the teaching techniques and methods were fascinating. I always looked forward to the modules for the learning & interaction. I have recommended the course to several individuals & always speak very passionately in retrospect as to how it has changed my life & that I find it incredibly informative, professionally run & educational. I feel very privileged to have met & been taught by Dr Leila & Phil, both are incredible educators/instructors. Last academic year was a highlight of my life. I always had the desire to get back into professional world and this course helped me to reinstall that confidence I can apply all of my skills and knowledge I gained into helping and healing people. A big heartfelt thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Dr Olessya Burgess, Medical Doctor, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate, NLP Master Practitioner
Now practising in Australia, Proprietor of Cairns Life Therapy.
"I enjoyed learning more about the human psyche and how to tap its potential to the fullest - I had many 'A-HA' moments and feel that I've grown as a human being. Also I enjoyed meeting like-minded people."
Theresa Mathison, Nutritionist, NLP Practitioner, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate.
"This course is so useful and facilitative of growth. I was able to discover my creative ability, my reactions to stress and I now also know that I can do public speaking. Dr Leila's teaching style and the content presented was of an excellent standard. One always got the feel that she was not only presenting relevant material but also trying to convey the nuances of being a good hypnotherapist and also always stressing the importance of ethical and caring behavior towards clients. Phil's lectures also helped us all have a much broader view of healing and he gave support in such a way that gave us confidence to bring out the best. It facilitated in us in having a very valuable open-mindedness and need to enquire and think independently."
Christal Dennis, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate, subsequently completed Masters’ degree in Psychology. Practising in Bahrain.
"I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend the NLP Practitioner Course and the Hypnotherapy Course with Transformations here in the UAE. I had the privilege of being tutored by both Dr Leila and Phil who are both very talented and have a wealth of knowledge and the ability to make learning fun and easy. I feel that their commitment to ensure that we students become "the best we can be" never wavered throughout and their passion for excellence was inspiring and infectious. Transformations Institute consistently delivers a high standard of education and training to all their students so without doubt deserved to be named "School of the Year".”
Josephine Croke, Head of Promotional Venue Department, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate.
Transformations Institute provides a unique professional learning experience. They push the boundaries of education, self-discovery and learning for students wide open, covering vast areas of material. Their unique approach provides students with an education which results in being the best you possibly could be. This is a remarkable, selfless, enlightening, brand new, interesting and ground breaking approach. They have pushed themselves too, in every way, giving so much to so many. They definitely deserve to be awarded the “Best School of the Year’ award as I can't imagine there is any other school that works so passionately to provide this high quality approach to training and changing lives for the better. The Course Team share their experience with their students at such a personal level. I am proud to have had the opportunity to study with them. They really deserve the very best always!”
Rosemarie Mortimer, former Finance Administrator, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in Dubai.
“From the outset, every aspect of the Diploma course was delivered with complete professionalism. Beginning with the application process, to the delivery of the various models, to the execution, submission, grading, feedback and return of the exams. The course was challenging to those that wanted it to be more challenging, and yet still very applicable for those that were participating for personal development only. To achieve such a balance takes much skill and experience, which was always evident in every module we participated in. Although always professional, there was also a relaxed atmosphere in which students were encouraged to ask questions and participate, which all did. This again shows Dr Leila and Phil's ability to create enough confidence in their students for everyone to be able to ask questions openly. As we all know, this is not the norm in every classroom, and there was always an emphasis on students being relaxed and open to learning, very often created by relaxation and hypnosis sessions which simultaneously served as practical exercises to model various areas of learning. Again, an exceptional skill! Dr. Leila and Phil truly practice what they preach, which is evident in everything they do! They consistently encouraged us to have an open mind, to question and challenge what we read and hear, and exposed us to so many different tech niques, theories, models and other professionals.
They have worked tirelessly to share some of their vast knowledge with us, and to bring these skills to the Middle East as a whole. They have made huge progress in this area, and hypnotherapy is now becoming something that is known in this part of the world. In Bahrain, there is already a good base of therapists trained by Dr Leila and Phil, who are doing much to promote health and well-being in the community. A huge achievement for something that was virtually unheard of here only ten years ago!
I remember walking into the first module on the first day, wondering what it was all about - rather nervous about hypnosis myself, as I really had no idea! I thought I'd "check it out, see if I liked it, and take it from there". I walked out of that first class totally "hooked", and began on a journey that I know will continue forever. Thanks to Dr Leila and Phil!
The last two years have been a huge learning curve for me - I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the course, and hugely admire the vast knowledge base of both Phil and Dr. Leila. I am very sorry that this time is coming to an end, as they are a true inspiration in so many ways. Knowing that they have always been there to answer questions and provide support has always been very comforting. They also remind me of how much there is still for me to learn, and despite my continuous attempt to learn more, I cannot imagine ever acquiring so much knowledge in my lifetime!
Dr Leila and Phil, true professionals, totally inspiring, perfect role models to their students in every way! I will never be able to thank them enough for the journey they have taken me on and the learning they have provided.”
Corina Zanner-Entwistle, Teacher and Linguist, Paul Ekman International Approved Trainer in Evaluating Truthfulness & Credibility, Diploma
& Advanced Diploma graduate, Certificate in Satir Model Counselling for Individuals, couples & families. Now practising in the UK.
"I've been totally in awe of the Course Leader and Course Tutor's well-balanced wealth of knowledge about virtually every subject under the sun that's come up or that we've touched upon during the last two years of study on the Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, not only in the mental health field but also covering a truly diverse range of relevant topics and life experiences. All the modules in both Diplomas, without fail, contained an extensive range of practical and educational material, jam-packed full of information, useful tools, techniques and tips, not only for our clients but also for ourselves to apply in life, in normal everyday situations.
I know they've been at this forever, but they know so much about so much, they're like walking encyclopaedias, they have so much valuable information and insight to offer on any given subject! Their dedication and commitment to their students is relentless, keeping us up-to-date with the latest information, inspiring us to continue to learn with open and positive minds, empowering us to meet our objectives even at difficult times, and ultimately sending us out in to the world well-equipped to practice should we choose to, and just nudging us along to always strive for excellence and be the best that we can be.”
Mel Frazier, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in the UK