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Your Questions Answered

Your Questions Answered: International Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Psychotherapy & Counselling Skills FAQ


We've been running the diploma for a long time now we've noticed that a lot of the questions that our prospective students ask us are often very similar. So here are the answers to some of those questions that experience has shown us are frequently uppermost in the mind of the prospective student. If you have a question that is not covered here, then please contact us to discuss your query in person.

Why become a psychological therapist trained in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy ?

Maybe you want to find a rewarding career working for yourself, earning a good income whilst helping others; perhaps you are seeking something new and different to do in your spare time. It could be just that you have always found the working of the human mind fascinating and you want to discover more. Whatever your reason, we can help you to fulfil your goals the easy way, within an interactive and supportive group environment for theory and practice, supplemented by home study and work with ‘practice clients’ between the taught Modules.

Do I need any special background or academic qualifications?

There is no need to have any previous experience to become a successful therapist. The Diploma materials are written with the assumption that the student may have only a vague idea of what therapy actually is and how it works. This means that you don’t have to be a psychologist or counsellor to join the Diploma course, it is designed for students of mixed ability and professional qualifications/experience. Of course, psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, mental health and other medical professionals do benefit greatly from this training, and we have had a number of health professionals as students, including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists, including the Head of a University Department of Psychology. Such professionals can apply their new skills within their existing practice and be able to deal with more complex cases at an earlier stage than those who started as complete beginners. But successful therapists come from truly diverse backgrounds: shop assistants, company directors, administrators, bankers, insurance brokers, homemakers, manual workers, salespeople, computer programmers, musicians, dancers, actors, creative and performing artists, broadcasters, teachers, engineers... whatever occupation you can think of, it’s almost certain that a therapist somewhere started out in that role!

As you discover your strengths and interests, we will support you in clarifying and achieving your professional goals as a practitioner and guide you with feedback as to your individual level of competence at each stage of your training. You don’t have to have any particular academic background, as long as you are proficient in English language, which is the medium of instruction, and have good written and spoken communication skills. The right motivation, sincere commitment to learning and personal development, a genuine desire to help others, and the willingness to use transferable life skills and experience is more important than being an academic ‘high flyer’. The motto of one of our professional associations, APHP, reflects our commitment to produce professionals who embody: “compassion and humility”.

What can I achieve?

These days, more and more people are turning towards natural complementary and alternative treatments for mental, physical and emotional difficulties. Sometimes, they have a problem they have struggled to find relief from for years, without success. Others just need someone to talk to, to help them through a difficult time in their lives. Some may have a personal issue that they feel they can’t sort out alone, but are too embarrassed to discuss with family or friends, or even their doctor. Stress and anxiety are generally most successfully treated by the right type of psychological therapy.

A trained therapist can be of great help to people with a wide variety of problems and provide a very useful service to a huge number of people, whether working in full-time practice or just part-time from a home consulting room. It’s not just about helping people quit smoking or change a habit, though these types of therapy are generally quite easy to conduct. It’s about helping people rediscover happiness and contentment, security and confidence - helping them to get from where they are to where they want to be and change their lives for the better on a lasting basis.

Could I do it - isn’t there a ‘special gift’ involved?

The Advanced Diploma course requires students to be competent and qualified hypnotherapists (either trained by us or by another reputable and accredited training organisation) who are ready and committed to progress and develop further professional skills and specialist knowledge in clinical hypnotherapy and other forms of psychological therapy. The curriculum for the Advanced Diploma is more flexible than the Diploma course and varies slightly from year to year since, in addition to the core modules, the choice of some modules can be tailored to a certain extent to the needs and preferences of that particular student group. A number of modules are suitable as ‘stand alone’ CPD courses for professionals who are therapists or who have suitable and relevant work experience.

How does it work?

On the Diploma course you will learn core counselling skills and how to effectively use hypnosis and psychotherapy together as ‘hypnotherapy’ or ‘hypno-psychotherapy’ so that you can work successfully with a wide range of issues and many psychological difficulties and help people to overcome their problems.

What will I actually learn?

In summary, you will learn everything you need to be successful: counselling skills, the theory and practice of clinical hypnotherapy combined with psychotherapy; conducting stress management for individuals or corporations; client management skills; setting up, marketing and maintaining a successful practice; how to get referrals from doctors; how to generate a steady flow of clients... and much more. Later in this prospectus you will find more information on the specific content and focus for each of the modules.

How much can I earn? 

That depends on many factors: how many hours you want to work; whether you are working from home or practise in a consulting room; your previous qualifications and experience; the fees you decide to set; and so on. All these eventualities are covered in detail on the course, since we teach you not just how to be a competent therapist, but how to be a successful and excellent therapist.

As an approximate guide, most therapists in the UK charge somewhere between £50 and £150 for a 50 minute – 1 hour session, depending largely upon the geographical area in which they set up their consulting room. Those who work in certain professional organisations charge higher prices, from£125+ per hour outside of the major cities, and much higher prices, normally in the range of £150 - £ 250+ per hour in prestigious practices, such as Harley Street, London, where there are higher overheads and greater demand. It is certainly feasible to build up a practice of 15 - 25 or so clients a week, while many therapists see even more than that on a regular basis. Some people prefer to offer longer sessions of 1½ or even 2+ hours, and charge accordingly, and see less clients per week.

As an example of the local market in the UAE, in 2020, Dr Leila Edwards charged AED 900 per hour, or AED 800 as a pre-paid series rate, for conducting individual therapy face-to-face, which included the supply of written and audio materials for her clients to use for self-help to accelerate progress between sessions. This rate was reduced to AED 800 per hour for live online sessions, reduced to AED 700 per hour for a prepaid basic course. She charges considerably more per hour when working in Harley Street, London. She requires most of her clients to commit to a minimum basic course of 3 x 2 hour or  4 x 1.5 hour sessions, a total of 6 hours, and typically sees her clients for between 3 – 5 sessions. There are different rates for more structured courses, for example, Stop Smoking and Active Hypnobirthing courses.

Recent graduates of the Diploma, including people who had no previous experience or training as a therapist, are currently charging between AED 250 – 500 per hour for their services, usually in the form of 1½ - 2+ hour sessions, whilst others who were already experienced and qualified in other forms of therapy or profession, or/and are Advanced Diploma graduates, may charge up to AED 750 per hour. There are no hard and fast rules but those who wish to receive referrals locally, and be associated with Transformations Institute, agree to reach consensus on an appropriate ‘going rate’.

You can, of course, choose to do some charitable or pro bono work, or offer a limited number of reduced rate sessions to be able to help those in financial difficulty, but it is important not to underestimate the value of your professional services. It is also advisable not to become overloaded by keeping charges low and then having to try to manage a very large caseload and risk ‘burnout’. You will be guided on these issues on the Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses. Not everybody works as a therapist in private practice and those who choose to work in the commercial sector, for example delivering corporate well-being programmes, can easily earn more in a day than many people earn in a month. When you complete the Diploma course, you will have the necessary skills to develop a career in the corporate sector if that is your preference, and you will also have had some practice in the presentation skills necessary to succeed in that field.

What other benefits are there?

To be a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist & Counsellor is to have a career for as long as you want it, an income for life – there are no age limits – and to work either full- or part-time, with the option to take time off when you need it. Also, you can choose your work hours to suit your lifestyle, so you can fit your career around other commitments. Successful therapists often have waiting lists!


A step-by-step guide to lead you into a successful career as a therapist. 

What exactly is ‘hypnotherapy’ – why not just train as a counsellor or psychotherapist?

There are many fears and misunderstandings about the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Most of the myths and mystery that surround it are totally undeserved. The reality is that hypnotherapy is an astonishingly effective, evidence-based treatment for a huge number of human difficulties, both psychological and physical, because we work directly with the subconscious mind and are thus able to accelerate the process of change. It is not unusual for somebody to find relief, within only a few sessions, from a problem that may have persisted for years and may have been unresponsive to other forms of treatment or therapy. And when used in a complementary fashion, to assist with rapid healing after surgery or for pain control, for example, the results can be truly astounding.

There is nothing magical about hypnosis, it is a natural state of deep relaxation and effortless concentration experienced whilst remaining conscious, often accompanied by a heightened state of sensory awareness. It is not in any way dangerous and you cannot get ‘stuck’, lose your mind, or be‘ possessed’ or ‘controlled’ in any way. In fact, ‘hypnotherapy’ simply means using hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. It has no harmful side effects whatsoever. Another great advantage is that you do not have to have a special ‘gift of hypnosis’ to be able to use it and almost anyone can learn it. This means you could soon be helping others to overcome their emotional and psychological difficulties and helping them to find a life that they had never thought possible. Combining hypnosis with psychotherapy and counselling skills is generally much faster and more effective than talk-based therapy alone. Clinical hypnotherapy can also be used in combination with many other modalities, e.g. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Breathing Therapy, Biofeedback, and meridian and energy healing, e.g. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, etc.

  • Want to help someone stop smoking cigarettes easily in just one to three sessions? You can do that.

  • The individual who has failed their driving test on many consecutive occasions has two or three sessions with you and passes on the next attempt. You can do that.

  • The person who has been painfully shy is now able to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. You can do that.

  • The individual who has been petrified by the idea of dental treatment now sports a brilliant white smile. You can do that.

  • The person who has suffered panic attacks for years is suddenly able to go out and thoroughly enjoy life to the full. You can do that, and much, much more!


And to those people, you will sometimes seem like a ‘miracle worker’.

What is the truth about clinical hypnosis? 

In the state of hypnosis, there is no form of unconsciousness involved and nobody can be made to do anything that they do not want to do. Stage hypnosis, along with many television and film portrayals of hypnosis, appears to show that the hypnotised person has surrendered control to the hypnotist but this is NOT the case. An individual in hypnosis retains freedom of choice, free will, and a complete awareness of themselves and everything that is happening around them at all times. There is obviously a high element of showmanship on stage and a need for drama in film and television productions; this is  part  of  the  reason  why  hypnosis is  sometimes shown  in  this  rather unfortunate light: as entertainment, or ‘spooky’, thus causing people to miss out on its many beneficial effects.

Although we do not teach any form of stage or entertainment hypnosis, you will learn, as part of your training, what the stage hypnotist does to give the illusion of control. This information will allow you to easily reassure any individual who fears that they might be at risk in some way. Hypnotherapy is a reliable technique for beneficial change whose origins are many centuries old and in its modern form it is recognised by many branches of conventional or ‘allopathic’ medicine as a valuable evidence- based complementary addition, or sometimes an alternative, to medication, to assist with healing, and to help combat pain. Like all therapies, it does not necessarily work for everybody, but it can certainly do no harm and enjoys extremely high success rates. In its simplest form, Hypnotherapy involves the use of positive suggestions, whilst the more advanced techniques use analytic and psychotherapeutic methods to identify and release past trauma and change old, outdated ‘programmes’ of thought and feeling and replace these with new and more beneficial ways of thinking and feeling, and thus bring about positive and lasting change.

Whilst not a panacea for all ills, hypnotherapy is an effective drug-free treatment method for a great many ailments, especially where there are psychological factors involved. The Diploma course covers all that you need to have a sound understanding of the following:

  • An overview of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, counselling and psychotherapy

  • Different personality types

  • The anatomy and physiology of the ‘stress response’

  • Fears, phobias and other presenting problems and symptoms

  • Pain control and management

  • Changing negative habits

  • Identifying and changing limiting beliefs

  • Anxiety and depression

  • The power of suggestion

  • Performance enhancement

  • Client and practice management

  • More advanced techniques of hypnoanalysis: ‘regression’ or ‘memory recovery’ work, ‘Parts Therapy’, ‘Inner Child’ Gestalt dialogue, Freudian-style Free Association, etc.

Professional Practitioner International Diploma Course Syllabus

If you helped only one other human being to change their life for the better so dramatically that they said something like: "I really didn’t realise how wonderful just being alive could be!” you’d feel pretty pleased for that individual. Imagine, then, how it feels when you help not just one person, but hundreds, even thousands, to that same sense of freedom and well-being.

This comprehensive training programme for the Professional Practitioner was originally designed and written by successful UK therapist, author and trainer Terence Watts. It was then substantially revised and adapted for delivery in the Gulf region by Course Leader, Dr Leila Edwards, supported by Course Tutor, Phil Edwards, both highly experienced and skilled therapists, coaches, trainers, and published authors, with sound academic credentials. The course is based on many thousands of hours of successful consulting room experience, numerous training courses, demonstrations, and on-going research in positive psychology and psychoneuroimmunology. The Diploma will give you a thorough working knowledge of the application of ethical clinical hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and counselling, even if you have no previous experience of the field. 

The following subjects, and many more, are covered, with key topics explored in precise detail:

  • What hypnosis is - and what it is not;  what hypnosis can and cannot do

  • How to be a successful professional hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and counsellor

  • The difference between the stage hypnotist and the clinical hypnotherapist

  • How to hypnotise almost anybody - including yourself!

  • Overview of the history and methodologies of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling

  • Different models of the psyche: ‘Deficit’ v. ‘Positive’ Psychology & Client-Centred brief therapy

  • Rapid and accurate identification and understanding of personality types

  • Choosing the best inductions and styles for different personality types

  • Tailoring suggestions and language to the needs of individuals and to different sensory styles

  • How to recognise when somebody is hypnotised and how to manage the process

  • How to effect safe release from the hypnotic state

  • Direct and indirect therapeutic intervention: different styles of therapy

  • ‘Uncovering work’: counselling and psychotherapeutic techniques for questioning and elicitation

  • Creating rapport and working with transference

  • Ethical behaviour and Code of Conduct for therapists

  • An overview of ‘Past Life Regression’: its uses and applications, how to conduct PLRT

  • Memory recovery/age regression: identifying & releasing unresolved emotional trauma

  • ‘Inner Child’ Gestalt work & forgiveness: healing the past, integrating stored emotions

  • Parts Therapy, ‘Reframing’ and ‘Future Pacing’

  • Working with and alleviating the symptoms of pain and physical illness

  • Dealing with stress, anxiety and depression: understanding the function of the ‘stress response’

  • Developing mind-body skills: using biofeedback and biorhythm technologies in therapy

  • Successful management of the process of therapy

  • Working with cause, rather than effect

  • Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and its therapeutic applications

  • Introduction to other modalities, such as Eye Movement Densitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Meridian Therapy, and the various types of Energy Healing

Course Overview


The Diploma is an incremental course so that you build on a solid foundation of theory and practical skills and develop a thorough understanding on which to base your professional practice and personal development. We will be covering a very broad range of topics, far too many to list in full, but if you download the full Prospectus, you’ll find a general overview of the content of the manuals, audio-lessons and presentations, and the order in which we’ll be teaching the main topics.

Each student also conducts research and makes a presentation at one of the Module training sessions, either individually or jointly with another student, on a topic of their choice that is relevant to hypnotherapy.

After Module 5, students take a Mid-Course Assessment Exam which, when passed, leads to the award of the Certificate of Studies. This means that you are Certified to conduct suggestion hypnotherapy and then you can progress to the more advanced techniques applying psychotherapeutic methods within the hypnotherapy session.

At the end of the course the FINAL EXAM leads to the award of the ‘INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA in CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY with PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING SKILLS’ issued direct from Essex Institute, UK.

You are now qualified as a professional practitioner using all the techniques you have learned and entitled to use the initials: DHP, Dip.Hyp.Psych.Couns. or DHtPC, or an appropriate variation.

You are also eligible to progress to the next level of the ADVANCED DIPLOMA when this is available, which is as long as there is a viable number to form a group. This course is highly recommended if you wish to continue your professional development and be able to handle more complex cases and is essential if you want to be able to term yourself a qualified psychotherapist. The Advanced Diploma also entitles you to fast-track after one year to full membership of APHP, which normally takes at least two years of professional practice. 

What therapy will I be able to conduct when I’ve graduated?

The Diploma course is comprehensive enough for you to be able to successfully and competently set up in private practice as soon as you are qualified, working successfully with such conditions as:

  • Quitting Smoking & Negative Habits e.g. Nail-biting, Hair-pulling, etc.

  • Weight control & poor body/self-image

  • Pain relief

  • Sleeping difficulties

  • Anxiety, ‘nerves’ and stress

  • Test & examination fears

  • Personal problems

  • Relationship issues

  • Psycho-sexual difficulties

  • Personal confidence problems

  • Phobias & fears

  • Depression & negative thoughts

  • Unresolved grief issues

  • Work-related stress

  • Career enhancement

  • Goal Achievement

  • Public speaking

  • Concentration and memory

The tuition programme is modular and covers all that you need to know in order to achieve excellent success rates as soon as you are qualified.

In-depth studies

There are detailed sections covering: Repression theory; Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD); obsessional personality; False Memory Syndrome; working with pain, physical illness & anaesthesia; depression; regression therapy, abreaction & catharsis; burnout; the ‘fast phobia fix’; use of the ‘ideo- motor response’ (IMR); selective thinking & the Conscious Critical Faculty (CCF); resistance & transference; working with grief & loss; the ‘Swish’ technique for rapid change. You will be well- enough equipped that you will be able to work with most difficulties that you are likely to encounter. 

You will also be introduced to the main approaches and different ‘schools’ of thought in psychotherapy and counselling and encouraged to consider which are most appropriate to complement your practice of hypnotherapy and to enable you to conduct successful client-centred brief therapy based on positive humanistic psychology and informed by evidence-based behavioural and neuro-science.

Personal research

Each student conducts research and prepares a presentation to share with the group on a topic of their own choosing, that is relevant to hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. This can be prepared and conducted individually, or by a pair of students who share the same interests. This aspect of the course not only enhances your knowledge, but also gives you the confidence to make effective presentations, which is a valuable skill to be able to promote and market your practice once you have qualified. Those students who are anxious about speaking in public, which is commonly cited as the no. 1 fear in the world (yes, that’s higher in the rankings of fear and anxiety even than the fear of death!), will be given tutorial and therapeutic support to overcome their fear and thus be far better qualified to assist clients with similar problems!

Course materials and provision

  • Professionally written and prepared course notes supplied in 10+ manuals totalling over 160,000 words

  • Audio support in the form of 16 lessons plus ‘self-hypnosis’ audio-tracks accompanying Modules 1 - 8

  • Twenty days of taught training sessions held as 10 x 2-day weekends over the academic year. (Does not apply in the case of the Distance Learning home study or combined options – please ask for details)

  • A comprehensive reading list and several core set text books (included in fee for taught course students)

  • Free email/phone/Skype tutorial support; & for taught course students, personal tutorial support if required

  • The taught course fee includes refreshments and vegetarian lunches supplied at the taught modules.

In addition, when you pass the Diploma examination, you’ll receive a ‘graduation pack’ including:

  • The entire course contents in downloadable format for reference/revision plus:

  • ‘How to Build a Successful Practice’ an excellent manual from Hypnosense, containing full details of how to be the most successful therapist you can be, and aim to be a ‘high flier’ if you aspire to this.

  • ‘The Analytical Therapist’s Extra Help File’. Invaluable hints and tips for effective working.

  • A soundfile of copyright-free music for you to use as background music in the consulting room or on any audio- CDs/soundtracks you make for clients, or for sale, without breaching the copyright laws.

  • A personalised International Diploma Certificate – issued by Essex Institute, UK.

STUDY OPTIONS   1)       Standard Taught Course (Blended Learning)

10 consecutive monthly intensive two-day weekend classes providing a total of 160+ hours tuition, coupled with several hours per week of home study, research and practice. The tuition fee is fully inclusive, providing all the required course text books, along with comprehensive written course materials in excess of 160,000 words and audio-lessons; exam and moderation fees; certification and graduation pack; student membership of APHP; and lunches and refreshments on all the training weekends. There are homework assignments to be completed each month, which include essays and practical work, a mid-course assessment exam, plus a final written examination.


2)       Distance Learning (Home Study) NB: Only in exceptional cases

An 8-module course, covering most of the same subject matter as the taught programme but without the analytical practice and theory modules which require classroom tuition to complete. This option allows you to study at your own pace but can only be considered if you are unable to attend the taught course. Modules are normally despatched at monthly intervals, once you’ve submitted the assignments for the previous Module; the period can be longer if you wish, though not shorter. Proper assimilation and practice of what you learn on each module is essential. NB: For this option you will need to do at least 2 years of extra supervised clinical practice, after successfully completing the coursework and passing the final exam, to become fully accredited.

Exam Passes and Qualifications

Classes and Personal Tutorials are linked to a continual assessment programme based on written and practical course work conducted in the classroom and by home study, with one mid-course and a final written exam (both are seen papers, i.e. ‘open book’ exams, with a set date for submission for marking). Taught course students are required to prepare and make a presentation on an agreed topic at one of the Modules. Distance learning students receive a written examination with their final lesson.

Once you have successfully completed the mid-course assessment exam, you will be awarded the Certificate of Studies, which entitles you to practice as a Certified Hypnotherapist ‘CHt’ or ‘Cert.Hyp’ and, if you wish, you are ethically entitled to charge for your services in conducting therapy using the techniques learned during the first half of the course. Many students prefer to wait until they have graduated from the full Diploma before charging for their services. All successful students are entitled to append the letters ‘IDCHPC’ or similar after their name on graduation; the following also applies: 

Taught course graduates are eligible for registration by our accrediting bodies at Licentiate level. After two years of professional practice, you can apply for Full Membership. Advanced Diploma graduates can fast- track at the end of one year to obtain Full Membership.

Distance Learning gives a Diploma (Theory only) & Certificate of Skills with registration by the accrediting bodies after a further period of consulting room/supervised clinical practice (normally a minimum of 2 years).

Solely Distance Study can be commenced at any time, by negotiating with the Course Leader, subject to her availability; Classroom-based or blended-learning mode of attendance courses have set start dates; details of the next taught Diploma course are included on the additional calendar of dates supplied.


"An exciting and immensely rewarding journey for me personally and professionally. It clarified everything I had already learned and further deepened my knowledge of the human psyche, emotional conflict and disorders and explored hypnotherapy and other therapeutic modalities providing us with a more comprehensive and identifiable set of tools in our therapy 'tool box' that are accessible and adequate for use in our sphere of practice. I am now more aware of each client's individuality and therefore therapy requirements."

 - Gladys Gillespie, Midwife, NLP Master & Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in Bahrain, USA, Zimbabwe & internationally.

"I would like to thank Dr Leila and Phil for all their hard work on our behalf. They are so much more than just tutors, working tirelessly to bring training of the highest standard to their students. They teach with passion and humour and really care about each and every student, helping and coaching wherever necessary. I have loved being part of it all for the past two years and look forward to continuing professional development, and continuing working with them."

 - Fiona Andrews, Mental Health Nurse, Teacher, Reiki & NLP Master, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate, Diploma in CBT and NLP Master Practitioner. Practising in Bahrain and now leads the Supervision Group started by Dr Leila Edwards.

"The subjects covered and the materials have been incredibly informative to me, the class atmosphere was amazing, the teaching techniques and methods were fascinating. I always looked forward to the modules for the learning & interaction. I have recommended the course to several individuals & always speak very passionately in retrospect as to how it has changed my life & that I find it incredibly informative, professionally run & educational. I feel very privileged to have met & been taught by Dr Leila & Phil, both are incredible educators/instructors. Last academic year was a highlight of my life. I always had the desire to get back into professional world and this course helped me to reinstall that confidence I can apply all of my skills and knowledge I gained into helping and healing people. A big heartfelt thank you from the bottom of my heart."


 - Dr Olessya Burgess, Medical Doctor, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate, NLP Master Practitioner. Now practising in Australia, Proprietor of Cairns Life Therapy. 

"I enjoyed learning more about the human psyche and how to tap its potential to the fullest - I had many 'A-HA' moments and feel that I've grown as a human being. Also I enjoyed meeting like-minded people."

 - Theresa Mathison, Nutritionist, NLP Practitioner, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate.

"This course is so useful and facilitative of growth. I was able to discover my creative ability, my reactions to stress and I now also know that I can do public speaking. Dr Leila's teaching style and the content presented was of an excellent standard. One always got the feel that she was not only presenting relevant material but also trying to convey the nuances of being a good hypnotherapist and also always stressing the importance of ethical and caring behavior towards clients. Phil's lectures also helped us all have a much broader view of healing and he gave support in such a way that gave us confidence to bring out the best.  It facilitated in us in having a very valuable open-mindedness and need to enquire and think independently." 

 - Christal Dennis, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate, subsequently completed Masters’ degree in Psychology. Practising in Bahrain.

"I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend the NLP Practitioner Course and the Hypnotherapy Course with Transformations here in the UAE. I had the privilege of being tutored by both Dr Leila and Phil who are both very talented and have a wealth of knowledge and the ability to make learning fun and easy. I feel that their commitment to ensure that we students become "the best we can be" never wavered throughout and their passion for excellence was inspiring and infectious. Transformations Institute consistently delivers a high standard of education and training to all their students so without doubt deserved to be named "School of the Year".

 - Josephine Croke, Head of Promotional Venue Department, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate.

Transformations Institute provides a unique professional learning experience. They push the boundaries of education, self-discovery and learning for students wide open, covering vast areas of material. Their unique approach provides students with an education which results in being the best you possibly could be. This is a remarkable, selfless, enlightening, brand new, interesting and ground breaking approach. They have pushed themselves too, in every way, giving so much to so many. They definitely deserve to be awarded the “Best School of the Year’ award as I can't imagine there is any other school that works so passionately to provide this high quality approach to training and changing lives for the better. The Course Team share their experience with their students at such a personal level. I am proud to have had the opportunity to study with them. They really deserve the very best always!”

 - Rosemarie Mortimer, former Finance Administrator, Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in Dubai.

“From the outset, every aspect of the Diploma course was delivered with complete professionalism. Beginning with the application process, to the delivery of the various models, to the execution, submission, grading, feedback and return of the exams.  The course was challenging to those that wanted it to be more challenging, and yet still very applicable for those that were participating for personal development only.  To achieve such a balance takes much skill and experience, which was always evident in every module we participated in. Although always professional, there was also a relaxed atmosphere in which students were encouraged to ask questions and participate, which all did.  This again shows Dr Leila and Phil's ability to create enough confidence in their students for everyone to be able to ask questions openly.  As we all know, this is not the norm in every classroom, and there was always an emphasis on students being relaxed and open to learning, very often created by relaxation and hypnosis sessions which simultaneously served as practical exercises to model various areas of learning. Again, an exceptional skill!  Dr. Leila and Phil truly practice what they preach, which is evident in everything they do!  They consistently encouraged us to have an open mind, to question and challenge what we read and hear, and exposed us to so many different tech niques, theories, models and other professionals. 

They have worked tirelessly to share some of their vast knowledge with us, and to bring these skills to the Middle East as a whole. They have made huge progress in this area, and hypnotherapy is now becoming something that is known in this part of the world. In Bahrain, there is already a good base of therapists trained by Dr Leila and Phil, who are doing much to promote health and well-being in the community.  A huge achievement for something that was virtually unheard of here only ten years ago!

I remember walking into the first module on the first day, wondering what it was all about - rather nervous about hypnosis myself, as I really had no idea! I thought I'd "check it out, see if I liked it, and take it from there". I walked out of that first class totally "hooked", and began on a journey that I know will continue forever. Thanks to Dr Leila and Phil!

The last two years have been a huge learning curve for me - I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the course, and hugely admire the vast knowledge base of both Phil and Dr. Leila. I am very sorry that this time is coming to an end, as they are a true inspiration in so many ways. Knowing that they have always been there to answer questions and provide support has always been very comforting. They also remind me of how much there is still for me to learn, and despite my continuous attempt to learn more, I cannot imagine ever acquiring so much knowledge in my lifetime! 

Dr Leila and Phil, true professionals, totally inspiring, perfect role models to their students in every way! I will never be able to thank them enough for the journey they have taken me on and the learning they have provided.”

 - Corina Zanner-Entwistle, Teacher and Linguist, Paul Ekman International Approved Trainer in Evaluating Truthfulness & Credibility, Diploma

& Advanced Diploma graduate, Certificate in Satir Model Counselling for Individuals, couples & families. Now practising in the UK.

"I've been totally in awe of the Course Leader and Course Tutor's well-balanced wealth of knowledge about virtually every subject under the sun that's come up or that we've touched upon during the last two years of study on the Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, not only in the mental health field but also covering a truly diverse range of relevant topics and life experiences. All the modules in both Diplomas, without fail, contained an extensive range of practical and educational material, jam-packed full of information, useful tools, techniques and tips, not only for our clients but also for ourselves to apply in life, in normal everyday situations. 

I know they've been at this forever, but they know so much about so much, they're like walking encyclopaedias, they have so much valuable information and insight to offer on any given subject! Their dedication and commitment to their students is relentless, keeping us up-to-date with the latest information, inspiring us to continue to learn with open and positive minds, empowering us to meet our objectives even at difficult times, and ultimately sending us out in to the world well-equipped to practice should we choose to, and just nudging us along to always strive for excellence and be the best that we can be.”

 - Mel Frazier, Diploma & Advanced Diploma graduate. Practising in the UK.


International Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & Counselling

The skills you will gain from the international Diploma Professional Practitioner course are certainly enough to take you into successful practice but this advanced course takes you to a higher level of achievement and successful completion enables you to legally term yourself as a psychotherapist by UK standards.

The Advanced Diploma allows you to extend your skills and versatility. Completing this course means that you will have advanced skills in understanding and client-handling, along with the ability to work without formal hypnosis when necessary – essential when dealing with certain types of personality. You will also have a huge variety of therapeutic techniques to hand, ensuring that you always have the right ‘tool for the job’. You will truly be an expert with specialist knowledge.

The Advanced Diploma follows on from the Professional Practitioner International Diploma Course. Before commencing, it will be necessary to complete the first year course, and to join the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy (APHP) as a pre-approved Licentiate Member.

N.B. It is possible to attend the Advanced Diploma with us, even if you did not train with us, as long as you already have obtained a qualification (DHP., CHt. or similar) in hypnosis or hypnotherapy from a reputable accredited school via a classroom-based course. The Course Leader will require evidence of your previous qualification, curriculum covered and hours of study completed, and information about your clinical practice/experience in order to assess your suitability.

The Advanced Diploma training comprises a series of modules, some of which may be open to other suitably qualified and/or experienced therapists, counsellors, mental health professionals or medical practitioners, to attend as CPD/CEU training events.

On completion you will receive your ‘Advanced International Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy &  Counselling and  be  able  to  immediately upgrade your  APHP  professional association membership to Full Member status (which normally takes at least two years).

There is no formal examination at the end of this course. Successful completion involves satisfactory attendance and participation in all required modules (if any are missed, you will be required to submit additional work on the missed material), and the submission of a Self-Assessment, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your personal and professional growth and learning throughout the course and provide an outline of your future plans for professional and career development.

The curriculum and attendance pattern of the Advanced course has a certain amount of flexibility and is revised each year to best meet the needs and interests of each particular intake. The curriculum over the past few years (2007 – 2014) has included the following subjects as Modules:

  • Ericksonian Therapy: conversational techniques, working without ‘formal hypnosis’

  • Advanced  Hypnoanalysis: working  with  Archetypes  and  Sub-Personalities in  Parts Therapy; introduction to Jungian Therapy & Transactional Analysis (double module)

  • Assertiveness and Communication Skills – developing your own and your client’s self- esteem, confidence and emotional intelligence; issues related to working at a distance: conducting therapy via e-mail, on-line and by phone

  • Advanced  Breathing  Therapy  &  Primal  Trauma  Release:  integrative  regression  & emotional and energy release; an overview of breathing and primal therapies

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and ‘Hypno-CBT’

  • Eating Disorders & Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD): CBT and Hypnotherapy

  • The Psychology of Depression: Hypnotherapy & CBT as therapeutic modalities

  • Grieving and Bereavement, working with death, dying and loss

  • Working with Children, Young People, Parents & Families

  • Sex, Sexuality & Pyschosexual Difficulties

  • Active Hypnobirthing and Advanced Pain Management

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Practitioner and Master Practitioner levels)

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Meridian Therapies and Energy Healing

  • Satir Model Conjoint Systemic Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Family Counselling

  • Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility: forensic emotional awareness

This advanced training option will extend your skill level to the point where you can be confident of being able to provide effective clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and counselling interventions for many, even highly complex, situations and circumstances.

Whilst we accept applications from qualified and experienced hypnotherapists, we consider each case on an individual basis in order to assess the applicant’s suitability for the course and whether their previous training meets the occupational standards criteria set by the Hypnotherapy Regulatory Forum and the requirements of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

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